CompactLogix 5370 控制器
我们的 Bulletin 1769 CompactLogix™ 5370 控制器是 Integrated Architecture® 系统的一部分。这些控制器包括集成安全,并与所有 Logix 控制器使用相同的编程软件、网络协议和信息容量。这样可为所有控制领域提供一个共同的开发环境。一致的工具和功能可帮助用户降低设计投资成本,简化诊断和故障处理,并且缩短中小型应用项目的上市时间。
适合需要低轴运动和 I/O 点数中小型应用项目
为基于 EtherNet/IP™ 的集成运动控制提供支持,可实现最大可扩展性
提供设备级环网 (DLR) 网络拓扑结构支持,帮助提高网络弹性
附带高达 2GB 的 SD 卡,可快速保存和恢复程序
提供开放式插座功能,支持 Modbus TCP 以及打印机、条形码阅读器和服务器等设备
能够使用 PanelView™ Plus 产品系列的可缩放的 HMI 选项连接到 PanelView 800 图形终端,以实现一些简单的功能
Compact GuardLogix® 安全控制器
最高支持 SIL 3、PLe CAT 4 集成安全功能
On-Machine 控制器
提供针对 On-Machine™(机旁控制)应用项目的标准、安全和运动控制
提供基于 EtherNet/IP 的集成运动控制,多达 16 轴
IP67 级冲洗保护,有助于抵御灰尘和水
提供达到 SIL 3、PLe、CAT 4 等级的 On-Machine(机旁控制)版本的集成安全控制
控制器系列 | 最大 用户内存 | 最大 I/O 点 | I/O 模块集成 | 最大 运动位置 轴 | 附加特性 |
5370 L3 | 3 MB | 960 | 1769 Compact I/O | 16 | 无储能 (NSE) 型针对危险环境提供了附加功能 |
5370 L2 | 1 MB | 160 | 1769 Compact I/O | 4 | 提供嵌入式电源和 I/O 支持通用模拟量 I/O |
5370 L1 | 1 MB | 96 | 1734 POINT I/O | 2 | 提供嵌入式电源和 I/O |
Compact GuardLogix 5370 | 标准:1、2 或 3 MB 安全:0.5、1 或 1.5 MB | 960 | 1769 Compact I/O | 4、8 或 16 | 多达 30 个扩展模块 |
1769-AENTR | 1769 Ethernet/IP Adapter |
1769-AENTRK | 1769 Ethernet/IP Adapter |
1769-ARM | CompactLogix Address Reserve Module |
1769-ASCII | CompactLogix ASCII Interface Module |
1769-BA | CompactLogix 3V Battery Assembly |
1769-BOOLEAN | CompactLogix Boolean Module |
1769-CJC | CompactLogix CJC Temperature Sensor |
1769-CLL1 | CMPLX 0.3 m Left to Left Bus Exp Cable |
1769-CLL3 | CMPLX 1 m Left to Left Bus Exp Cable |
1769-CRL1 | CMPLX 0.3 m Right to Left Bus Exp Cable |
1769-CRL3 | CMPLX 1 m Right to Left Bus Exp Cable |
1769-CRR1 | CMPLX 0.3 m Right to Right Bus Exp Cable |
1769-CRR3 | CMPLX 1 m Right to Right Bus Exp Cable |
1769-ECL | CompactLogix Left End Cap |
1769-ECLK | CompactLogix Left End Cap |
1769-ECR | CompactLogix Right End Cap |
1769-ECRK | CompactLogix Right End Cap |
1769-HSC | CompactLogix High-Speed Counter Module |
1769-IA16 | CompactLogix 16 Pt 120VAC D/I Module |
1769-IA16K | CompactLogix 16 Pt 120VAC D/I Module |
1769-IA8I | CompactLogix 8 Pt 120VAC D/I Iso Module |
1769-IA8IK | CompactLogix 8 Pt 120VAC D/I Iso Module |
1769-IF16C | CompactLogix 16 Pt A/I Current Module |
1769-IF16CK | CompactLogix 16 Pt A/I Current Module |
1769-IF16V | CompactLogix 16 Pt A/I Voltage Module |
1769-IF16VK | CompactLogix 16 Pt A/I Voltage Module |
1769-IF4 | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/I C and V Module |
1769-IF4FXOF2F | CMPLX 6 Pt High Speed A/I and A/O Module |
1769-IF4I | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/I C and V Iso Module |
1769-IF4IK | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/I C and V Iso Module |
1769-IF4K | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/I C and V Module |
1769-IF4XOF2 | CompactLogix 6 Pt A/I and A/O Module |
1769-IF4XOF2K | CMPLX 6 Pt High Speed A/I and A/O Module |
1769-IF8 | CompactLogix 8 Pt Analog Input Module |
1769-IF8K | CompactLogix 8 Pt Analog Input Module |
1769-IG16 | CompactLogix 16 Pt TTL DC D/I Module |
1769-IM12 | CompactLogix 12 Pt 240VAC D/I Module |
1769-IQ16 | CompactLogix 16 Pt 24VDC D/I Module |
1769-IQ16F | CompactLogix 16 Pt 24VDC Fast D/I Module |
1769-IQ16K | CompactLogix 16 Pt 24VDC D/I Module |
1769-IQ32 | CompactLogix 32 Pt 24VDC D/I Module |
1769-IQ32K | CompactLogix 32 Pt 24VDC D/I Module |
1769-IQ32T | CMPLX 32 Pt 24VDC D/I Terminated Module |
1769-IQ6XOW4 | CMPLX 10 Pt 24VDC D/I Relay D/O Module |
1769-IR6 | CompactLogix 6 Pt RTD Module |
1769-IR6K | CompactLogix 6 Pt RTD Module |
1769-IT6 | CompactLogix 6 Pt Thermocouple Module |
1769-IT6K | CompactLogix 6 Pt Thermocouple Module |
1769-L16ER-BB1B | CompactLogix 384KB DI/O Controller |
1769-L18ER-BB1B | CompactLogix 0.5MB DI/O Controller |
1769-L18ERM-BB1B | CompactLogix 0.5MB Controller - MOTION |
1769-L18ERM-BB1BK | CompactLogix 512KB controller |
1769-L19ER-BB1B | CompactLogix L19 1MB Memory Controller |
1769-L19ER-BB1BK | CompactLogix 1MB controller |
1769-L24ER-QB1B | CompactLogix 750KB DI/O Controller |
1769-L24ER-QBFC1B | CompactLogix 750KB DI/O AI/O Controller |
1769-L24ER-QBFC1BK | CompactLogix 750KB DI/O AI/O Controller |
1769-L27ERM-QBFC1B | CompactLogix 1MB DI/O AI/O Controller |
1769-L30ER | CompactLogix 1 MB ENet Controller |
1769-L30ERK | CompactLogix 1MB controller |
1769-L30ERM | CompactLogix 1 MB Motion Controller |
1769-L30ERMK | CompactLogix 1 MB Motion Controller |
1769-L30ERMS | Compact GuardLogix CPU, L30ERMS, 1M/0.5M |
1769-L30ER-NSE | CompactLogix 1 MB No Cap Controller |
1769-L32E | CompactLogix 750KB Enet Controller |
1769-L32EK | CompactLogix 750KB Enet Controller |
1769-L33ER | CompactLogix 2 MB ENet Controller |
1769-L33ERK | CompactLogix 2MB controller |
1769-L33ERM | CompactLogix 2 MB Motion Controller |
1769-L33ERMK | CompactLogix 2 MB Motion Controller |
1769-L33ERMO | Armor Compactlogix Controller, 2MB |
1769-L33ERMOS | Armor Compact GuardLogix Controller, 2MB |
1769-L33ERMS | Compact GuardLogix CPU, L33ERMS, 2M/1M |
1769-L33ERMSK | Compact GuardLogix CPU, L33ERMS, 2M/1M |
1769-L35E | CompactLogix 1.5MB ENet Controller |
1769-L36ERM | CompactLogix 3 MB Motion Controller |
1769-L36ERMO | Armor CompactLogix Controller, 3MB |
1769-L36ERMOS | Armor Compact GuardLogix Controller, 3MB |
1769-L36ERMS | Compact GuardLogix CPU, L36ERMS, 3M/1.5M |
1769-L37ERM | CompactLogix 4MB controller |
1769-L37ERMK | CompactLogix 4MB controller |
1769-L37ERMO | Armor Compactlogix Controller, 64 nodes |
1769-L37ERMOS | ArmorCompactGuardlogixController,64nodes |
1769-L37ERMS | Compact GuardLogix CPU, L37ERMS, 4M/1.5M |
1769-L38ERM | CompactLogix 5MB controller |
1769-L38ERMS | Compact GuardLogix CPU, L38ERMS, 5M/1.5M |
1769-OA16 | CompactLogix 16 Pt 240VAC D/O Module |
1769-OA16K | CompactLogix 16 Pt 240VAC D/O Module |
1769-OA8 | CompactLogix 8 Pt 240VAC D/O Module |
1769-OB16 | CompactLogix 16 Pt 24VDC D/O Module |
1769-OB16K | CompactLogix 16 Pt 24VDC D/O Module |
1769-OB16P | CompactLogix 16 Pt 24VDC Prot D/O Module |
1769-OB32 | CompactLogix 32 Pt 24VDC D/O Module |
1769-OB32K | CompactLogix 32 Pt 24VDC D/O Module |
1769-OB32T | CMPLX 32 Pt 24VDC Terminated D/O Module |
1769-OB8 | CompactLogix 8 Pt 24VDC D/O Module |
1769-OB8K | CompactLogix 8 Pt 24VDC D/O Module |
1769-OF2 | CompactLogix 2 Pt A/O C and V Module |
1769-OF2K | CompactLogix 2 Pt A/O C and V Module |
1769-OF4 | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/O C and V Module |
1769-OF4CI | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/O Current Module |
1769-OF4CIK | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/O Current Module |
1769-OF4K | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/O C and V Module |
1769-OF4VI | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/O VoltageModule |
1769-OF4VIK | CompactLogix 4 Pt A/O Voltage Module |
1769-OF8C | CompactLogix 8 Pt A/O Current Module |
1769-OF8CK | CompactLogix 8 Pt A/O Current Module |
1769-OF8V | CompactLogix 8 Pt A/O Voltage Module |
1769-OF8VK | CompactLogix 8 Pt A/O Voltage Module |
1769-OG16 | CompactLogix 16 Pt 5V TTL D/O Module |
1769-OV16 | CompactLogix 16 Pt 24VDC Sink D/O Module |
1769-OV32T | CompactLogix 32 Pt 24VDC Sink D/O Module |
1769-OW16 | CompactLogix 16 Pt D/O Relay Module |
1769-OW16K | CompactLogix 16 Pt D/O Relay Module |
1769-OW8 | CompactLogix 8 Pt D/O Relay Module |
1769-OW8I | CompactLogix 8 Pt D/O Relay Iso Module |
1769-OW8IK | CompactLogix 8 Pt D/O Relay Iso Module |
1769-PA2 | CompactLogix AC 2A/0.8A Power Supply |
1769-PA2K | CompactLogix AC 2A/0.8A Power Supply |
1769-PA4 | CMPLX Selectable AC 4A/2A Power Supply |
1769-PA4K | CMPLX Selectable AC 4A/2A Power Supply |
1769-PB2 | CompactLogix DC 2A/0.8A Power Supply |
1769-PB2K | CompactLogix DC 2A/0.8A Power Supply |
1769-PB4 | CompactLogix DC 4A/2A Power Supply |
1769-PB4K | CompactLogix DC 4A/2A Power Supply |
1769-RD | CompactLogix Replacement Door |
1769-RL1 | CompactLogix Replacement Part |
1769-RL2 | CompactLogix Replacement Part |
1769-RTB40AIO | CMPLX L24 and L27 Replacement Part |
1769-RTB40DIO | Compactlogix 5370 L2 Replacement part |
1769-RTB45 | CompactLogix 5370 L1 Replacement Part |
1769-RTBN10 | CompactLogix 10 Pin Terminal Block |
1769-RTBN18 | CompactLogix 18 Pin Terminal Block |
1769-SDN | CompactLogix DeviceNet Scanner Module |
1769-SDNK | CompactLogix DeviceNet Scanner Module |
1769-SM1 | PowerFlex-SCANport To Compact IO module |
1769-SM2 | Compact IO To DSI Communication module |
1769-STRT10 | CompactLogix Experience Kit |